Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Best of the Best

My best argument in supporting same-sex marriage is of personal issues like commitment and marriage privileges/benefits. The government should have no right to say who you can and cannot fall in love with. It could be considered a violation between separation of church and state. It also is unthinkable that if your significant other was in a life or death situation, you would not have control over what happens. If two people want to be committed to one another, that is their choice. Love knows no gender. Gay and lesbian couples are just as committed to their lovers, if not more so because they know how rare it is. Therefore, they should be awarded the same benefits to their other half as heterosexual couples get. There should be legal and economic equality to all people, despite their sexual orientation or the person they choose to share a life with. All people are people. Discrimination has not been put up with when having to do with race, more specifically interracial marriage, so why should same-sex marriage be any different?

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