Tuesday, October 2, 2007

On the Pro Side...

Along with gay activists, many silent supporters, myself included, agree with the fight to pass same-sex marriages. All involved in this debate have many examples and reasons on why their bond should be legalized into marriage.
One of these arguments is that committed homosexual couples should receive the same benefits and privileges as heterosexual couples. Many different-sex couples can get benefits such as their partners' Social Security or health care if something should happen to them, regardless if they are married or not. Gay and lesbian couples feel they should also have these benefits.
Also, heterosexual partners can be involved or solely responsible for hospital and death decisions for their significant other. The fact that homosexual partners are sometimes not even allowed to VISIT their girlfriends/boyfriends in the hospital, let alone make burial decisions, hurts them deeply.
Lastly, and more importantly, the closest argument to these couples hearts, is that they this it is unconstitutional and unjustified that the government and people are telling them who they can and can not love. If two people are committed to each other, marriage should be a right that they have. A union to forever bond them together, both emotionally and legally, DESPITE THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION.

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